Wednesday, June 14, 2017

It’s A Mystery…

There are few surprises left in the world, do you agree? Those of us old enough to remember Santa Claus picking out our gifts without a wish list on Amazon may be the last generation to really appreciate a surprise. Wedding gifts are registered if not gift carded. I miss the days of a young bride acting excited over floral pot holders and Tupperware. Parents don’t even get to be surprised with the “It’s a boy/girl!” announcement. The baby has already worn out its name by the time it debuts. Alas, as Your Fearless Leader, I find one of my greater tasks and treats is to offer travelers an occasional mystery or surprise trip.

 A mystery trip isn’t a “who done it?”  The destination is a mystery. Given only a few clues, travelers sign up and yes, PAY to go somewhere, and do something, and stay somewhere-all unknown to them prior to traveling. For those that have a sense of adventure, a sense of humor and a sense of trust, we have made some wonderful mystery memories through the years.

The shorter the tour, the closer to home and the greater the chance that I’m taking travelers to places they have been before, or maybe even lived or worked! The challenge is to guarantee folks that they will see or do something that they have never done before. This is where the need to be creative comes in very helpful. 

We have eaten in feed stores. We have made movies. We have ridden in hay wagons. We have slept in bunk houses. We have caught trains. We have been wined, dined, arrested and taken hostage. It was all a surprise to the travelers. We have seen things hardly anyone knew existed. And we have gone behind the scenes on things that everyone knew existed. It was all a surprise to the travelers.

 Coming up with attractions to visit that aren’t really attractions, convincing local people to let us see their collection, or look at their place, or show us how they do something. In my tourism world, I call this “Knowing How to Play.”  I LOVE going into a community that gets “How to Play.”

This might not be everyone idea of a great vacation or travel opportunity, but I can testify that there are lots of fun folks who still love a good surprise.

Traveling is about learning, and exploring and creating memories. Sometimes it is a mystery on how it will happen, and that is a lovely surprise. Come play with us sometime.

Is it Today or Tomorrow?

I read a funny that said “Tomorrow is another day used to sound hopeful. Now it sounds like a threat.” Ain’t it the truth? I’m not going to ...