Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Share the News!

I have worn a lot of hats these past couple of weeks. I’m not looking for a pat on the back, (more likely you would just circle your temple with your index finger). But my quest this week is to remind our readers that there are many things to do in our own backyard. Tourism isn’t just fishing tournaments and casinos, tourism is people from other towns visiting our town, spending their money here and helping our economy through the sales tax revenue and income to our local merchants. These visitors are tourists, whether they come in for the casinos, tournaments, a visit to Har-Ber Village, shop in a store, or attend a church service and go to lunch afterwards.

Why am I bringing this up? Because it makes me sad when our locals say there isn’t anything to do. Just in these last few weeks, I’ve had the opportunity to perform, speak, educate and entertain for over 2,000 people at various events.  I know, the number surprised me, too, but I did the math. From performing comedy shows, to baby showers, to conferences, to murder mysteries: all of these events get people off their Lazy Boy to do something. There were locals, and there were those that drove a few hours to be here. They buy gasoline, meals, and out-of-towners pay for lodging. Ka-ching! goes the city coffers.

There were many other things going on that I wasn’t involved in, or perhaps I wasn’t aware.  More Ka-ching!  This certainly helps green-up Green Country.  Where do you find out about events? And then do you share that information with others that might be interested?   For these different presentations I have been involved with, there have been huge newspaper ads. There have been posters in businesses and store front windows. I went to Tulsa to do a TV interview to advertise an upcoming event here on Grand Lake. We have been on the local radio. We have blasted emails and Facebook.  A couple of events did a direct mail invitation. So you can understand my surprise when visiting with many individuals in our community, they knew nothing about these wonderful, fun opportunities in their own backyard!  Maybe there is too much to do, and things get lost in the bombardment of information.

I would like to encourage all of us to share information with others. Make it a habit to cut out notices from the paper and post on work place bulletin boards. Tell employees about activities happening in the area, especially if these people are in the position to greet out-of-town visitors. Make it a point to get the Chamber of Commerce Weekly happening. Be in the know and pass it on!

We don’t all have the same leisure time interests, but there are loads of us who would like to experience different things that might interest us. How do we attend your function if we don’t know about it? We might be surprised how all our affairs might benefit if we just make a tiny effort to share information with one another.

Marketing, another hat to wear.

Is it Today or Tomorrow?

I read a funny that said “Tomorrow is another day used to sound hopeful. Now it sounds like a threat.” Ain’t it the truth? I’m not going to ...