Tuesday, November 27, 2018

More Than a Gift

I’m not much of a television watcher... I know, I know, but honestly, I don’t really miss it. I love to read. And travel. And read about traveling. I’ve also discovered that anything really good that others insist I must see, I can usually find online. That’s how I found this commercial.

This might need to be the 2018 Christmas filter that all gift buying needs to pass through. Do a search for “Elton John Christmas Commercial” and take two and a half minutes of your life to just absorb the message. You don’t have to be an Elton John fan (OK, I’m a big fan) to appreciate the talent of this artist, and if you’ve been alive in the last 60 years you will admit what an amazing entertainer he is and how he has a legacy that other piano players just imitate. 

The commercial is the product of John Lewis & Partners, high end department stores in the UK. Every Christmas, people watch for the annual advertisement and discuss it, sort of like we Americans chat about the Super Bowl ads. The promotion begins with Sir Elton John at an upright piano as he begins to play the first notes of his famous 70’s hit “Your Song”. From there the video goes in reverse, spanning Sir Elton John’s career of concerts and parties and events with the haunting song connecting the scenes.

Get ready to grab a tissue as we see a young John at a school recital with his mom offering encouragement from the audience. The final images take viewers to a past Christmas where little Elton discovers a gift wrapped piano from his mom and grandmother. His child fingers find the same keys as the 71 year artist. (sniff) Of course, this was the gift that forever changed his life. And to make sure we get it, the words “Some gifts are more than just a gift” centers simply as the pianist closes the piano lid. (Just take a moment to bawl...like I did.)

Now take another moment and think if you ever gave a gift that might have been a life changer. Follow this deep thinking to ponder if you ever received a gift that was “more than just a gift”. I got a pair of spurs. I was probably around 13 years old. As a farm girl, I had started showing my horse and entering riding competitions. I asked for a fancy pair of slip-on spurs for Christmas that I had circled in the western catalog. They weren’t something I needed, like the yearly pajamas, or something expected, like a game to share with my much older sister, the spurs were an investment in me. My parents were saying to me, ‘we believe in you...this is something you can do.’

Fast forward in my crazy life and you will know that I didn’t wind up an equestrian icon. But looking back, I have wound up spending a lot of my life wearing spurs... entertaining as my alter ego Willamae. They aren’t the same fancy spurs, they were my dad’s, but it strikes me a little bit funny. It’s amazing how a seemingly insignificant gift (at the time) can affect someone. For another instance, husband Doug got a magic kit at age 12. It was more than a gift as he has made a career as a professional magician.

Sigh. I guess I’m feeling a bit nostalgic as we head into Christmas. Thinking about giving more than just a gift. Maybe I need to note that John Lewis Department stores have started selling pianos again.

Is it Today or Tomorrow?

I read a funny that said “Tomorrow is another day used to sound hopeful. Now it sounds like a threat.” Ain’t it the truth? I’m not going to ...