Wednesday, May 23, 2018

We are Still Speaking

Your travelin’ pal is on the road again. Hubby Doug and I are in Florida. Our little teardrop camper, Joshua, is parked among RV’s three times his size. Recall that we have zero camping experience, so this on-the-road RV business is a learning curve for us. For starters, we have no idea what we need until we don’t have it. I make a lot of lists. 

Our first stop was near Nashville for a friend’s wedding. I love Nashville. The shindig’s caterer was  “Bacon and Caviar”. That just about sums up Nashville. And just for the record, our wedding supper included both biscuits and brie.

We took to the road the day after, making our way to Florida. We stopped at the state Welcome Center. Besides your usual maps and rack cards, we were offered a cup of fresh orange juice and a piece of fruit. I couldn’t help but wonder what Oklahoma might offer, ya know, stuff our state is known for?  I couldn’t help but be a bit jealous of all the landscaping that was along the interstate in Florida. I’m guessing that those palm trees didn’t come up naturally evenly spaced on each side of the roadway. Then when I saw road crews laying piles of sod in ditches that looked pretty grassy to me, so, well, there’s that.

We spent the morning on Cocoa Beach, sand between my toes and admiring the shells and the surf. I love the beach and you don’t even have to ask for a senior discount in Florida! Just pull your socks up over your calves and take out your readers to see the menu and they automatically give it to you!  Magic Doug had a show Monday night and a photo shoot for new publicity pictures. He noticed that his hands were doing this peeling thing, like he was shedding his winter skin. Not a good thing for someone that needs to have close ups of his hands.

Being the ever resourceful wife, I googled “peeling skin” and found a DIY  foot soak made of Listerine (“she” liked the blue kind”) and vinegar. Oh, yes, and water. Well, I mixed Mr. Anderson up a batch. I figured the water was to just stretch the mix, so I opted straight mouthwash and vinegar. After plunging his left hand in the mix, began to ask me questions, like “Where did you come up with this idea?” 

Me “Pinterest. It must work”
Him “How long am I suppose to soak for it to work?”
Me “24 hours.” (I laugh at his expression.)
Well, he didn’t last but  15 minutes. I need to post my Pinterest-fail. The skin did not peel away to leave baby soft epidermis. He had pruny, peely skin except now his hand was blue. Kinda a sick grey-blue... like circulation had ceased long ago. Whoops.
Me “Maybe I should have added the water.”
Him “Maybe I shouldn’t have done this before the photo shoot.”

We hit a Wal Greens for a stiff scrub brush, hit a McDonalds so he could take a layer off his hide and hit the studio for the pics. His fingernails are still a little pale and we get a whiff of pickles now and then. But we are still speaking. I love that.

Is it Today or Tomorrow?

I read a funny that said “Tomorrow is another day used to sound hopeful. Now it sounds like a threat.” Ain’t it the truth? I’m not going to ...