Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Cut it Out!

I love scissors. There is something about having a nice, sturdy pair of scissors that deliver a clean cut that kinda makes me happy. I have a pair of scissors in every room of my house. I do not want to hunt for a something that will cut when I am ready to snip. I had my big orange handled scissors out and I was cutting out a story from the newspaper that featured a neighbor’s son. I thought of my friends that clip out and save for those articles for me. When we were sorting through my parent’s treasures, sister and I were amazed at the many stuffed envelopes and shoeboxes of newspaper clippings that my mom had collected. I’m not sure what she ever intended to do with them, maybe just save them, but there was a history of people we knew and the lives they had lived.
Wouldn’t it be great to edit one’s life like that? Just cut out the bad times and wad that part up to toss away. Then make sure to cut out the good, wonderful stuff we want to remember and keep it safe. We could unfold and recall with clarity the ­­commentary about that life event so the joy never faded from our memory.
A special friend from my school days recently lost his mother. As the gang of high school buds stood around the funeral home parking lot, we felt a bit bad at the circumstances that had brought us together because we were so happy to reconnect with each other. And as friends do on a funeral home parking lot, we promised to get together more often and not wait for a death to do it.
I would like to remind you that you have probably made those promises to your friends and family. Maybe there are folks that you vacationed with as families or couples and you have said, we ought to go on another trip together! Here’s a great idea, how about a group tour? It takes the planning pressure off of you so you can enjoy each other’s company. Having a tour leader in charge helps with eliminating the “bossy friend” role, plus there are other people to share the experience with if you think there might be too much “togetherness”. Plus, if no one can get the preparation part going, remember with a group tour, all you have to do is pack your bag!
It’s not too late to make some memories, but there will probably be a time it will be too late. Fill up the pages of your life with times of being alive, laughing and learning. Create moments that are worthy of being cut out and saved like newspaper clippings to be remembered over and over again. Take those scissors to all the excuses that have kept you from going and doing and living. Cut them out and toss them. If you need help, call me. I keep scissors handy.

Is it Today or Tomorrow?

I read a funny that said “Tomorrow is another day used to sound hopeful. Now it sounds like a threat.” Ain’t it the truth? I’m not going to ...